inDependenceLine Emergency Pendant:

 With the inDependanceLine Pendant you can be sure that you will be safe anywhere you go. The pendant connects wirelessly with your cellular phone and communicates through the cellular network.

 Now you won't be confined to your own home by the limited range of your old PERS device.





Panic Button:

 At any time you need help, simply press the Panic Button on the pendant and Help will come.

 A message is automatically sent to inDependenceLine and loved-ones are contacted and provided with the information that they need.
Using the GPS, a detailed map pinpointing the emergency location is displayed - CLICK HERE for more details.






Unconscious Victim:

If you do not move for a period of time, the pendant will automatically send a PANIC Message to the inDependanceLine Central Station. It does this using an internal motion sensor.

Emergency Response Personnel are contacted and provided with information on who is in trouble and where you are.

 Using the GPS, a detailed map is displayed pinpointing your location - CLICK HERE for more details.




 The inDependanceLine Central Station communicates with your individual pendant. Through a simple configuration website you or your loved-ones can setup an emergency contact list.


 If you are ever in an emergency, the system will go through the list and persistently try to contact your loved-ones in order (by phone, email, text-message, etc...) until it has been acknowledged that someone has made contact and will take responsibility.

 From there, they have your location and the proper information to make a decision of how to help you - ever to contact fire, police or EMS if required.

 Optionally, you can also add a live monitoring station to your emergency contact list.





Tsunami Solution Ltd.
(604) 299-5855


© 2007 Tsunami Solutions Ltd.